
Showing posts from 2017

Regarding Outfit Full Upgrade : How do I make it

I will explain a little bit about how this mod was created for you and I recommend notepad++ to do it, here we go :

STALKER Call of Chernobyl : My Favorite STALKER freeplay experience

STALKER Call Of Chernobyl is a standalone stalker freeplay experience, build by Team EPIC on top of Call of Pripyat engine. STALKER Call of Chernobyl is also number 1 player choice "Mod of the Year" 2016. This mod merge all maps from all 3 games into one game and create one massive world for the player to explore. Team EPIC, beside merging the map, also improve lots of aspect from original Call Of Pripyat to create an ultimate stalker experience. Here instead of describing those aspect to you, i will tell you about what i like and don't like from this game, so if you didn't agree with any of this, please tell me in the comment.

Tips To Start Your STALKER Debut

So after my previous post, i imagined you people fell kinda interested into STALKER series now. I imagine you all are eager to feel the great gameplay and atmosphere of this game, but don't know where to start. Worry not comrade, here im gonna give you a little bit of tips on how to start your debut in STALKER series First of all, this game is pretty old now, with the oldest one (Shadow Of Chernobyl) being 10 years old. While the graphical quality is okay, don't expect to see high quality visual and detail like in modern titles (eg. Doom or Titanfall).

What make STALKER series such a Masterpiece

 It's been 8 year since the last STALKER game released, many have tried to remake the atmosphere of GSC Gameworld post-apocalyptic masterpiece, only a few have succeded, albeit not in the same way. So here I'm gonna tell you what makes these series become such irreplaceable masterpiece, at least for me.

Outfit Full Upgrade v1.3

This is an addon i made for STALKER Call Of Chernobyl that i initialy uploaded on moddb. I post it here so that people outside of moddb community could freely download this mod and as a precaution if there's anything bad happen in the future.
  SEJARAH 1951-1960 Periode Rintisan Periode ini dimulai dengan Penegerian Fakultas Agama Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) menjadi Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam (PTAIN) yang diatur dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 34 Tahun 1950 Tanggal 14 Agustus 1950 dan Peresmian PTAIN pada tanggal 26 September 1951. Pada Periode ini, terjadi pula peleburan PTAIN (didirikan berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 34 Tahun 1950) dan ADIA (didirikan berdasarkan Penetapan Menteri Agama Nomor 1 Tahun 1957) dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Presiden Nomor 11 Tahun 1960 Tanggal 9 Mei 1960 tentang Pembentukan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) dengan nama Al-Jami'ah al-Islamiyah al-Hukumiyah. pada periode ini, PTAIN berada di bawah kepemimpinan KHR Moh Adnan (1951-1959) dan Prof. Dr. H. Mukhtar Yahya (1959-1960)